Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS)

Throughout your career, you make contributions to KPERS which is a mandatory retirement system which also offers life insurance and long term disability benefits.  Your position determines eligibility for this Plan. 

  • You contribute 6% of gross pay to your account each paycheck
  • 150% of annual salary provided life insurance for member
  • Optional Life insurance available for member, spouse and child(ren)
  • Long Term Disability can pay up to 60% of annual salary

Kansas Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (KP&F)

Throughout your career, you make contributions to KP&F which is a mandatory retirement system which also offers life and death insurances and disability benefits.  Your position determines eligibility for this Plan. 

  • You contribute 7.15% of gross pay to your account each paycheck
  • Death benefits are based on service-connected or non-service connected death
  • Optional Life insurance available for member, spouse and child(ren)
  • Long Term Disability can pay up to 50% of annual salary

457(b) Defined Contribution Plan

The 457(b) Plan is administered by Empower and is a retirement savings plan.  The Plan benefits include:

  • Automatic enrollment as a new hire at 1%. Opt out available.  Percentage increases annually by 1% automatically until you reach 6%
  • Before tax and Roth after tax contributions up to annual contribution limits
  • Multiple investment options available with a managed account and self-directed brokerage available